Advanced Topics in Software Engineering
CSE5870 Course Information
Orlando Graduate Center

Course Objectives:

The objective of this course is to provide the students with exposure to advanced topics in developing S/W intensive systems. Below is a list of topics we will discuss in this course..


A detailed study of the various software engineering topics, these include:

  1. Object Oriented Design using UML
  2. Software Project Estimation Techniques
  3. Distributed System Architectures with CORBA, RMI and J2EE
  4. User Interface Design
  5. Automated Software Testing
  6. Configuration Mangement
  7. Model Driven Architecture

Note: See Course Outline for additional Detail.


  1. Mid-term Quiz- 50 points
  2. Final Exam -100 points
  3. Class Project - 150 points

    Total points = 300

Letter grades will be assigned using the following scale:
A=90 - 100% B=80 - 89% C=70 - 79% F=0 - 69%

Programming Environment


Florida Tech Computer Science

Course Author and Contact Information

Juan M. Gomez
Office Tel. No. - (407)306-2140

Last Update: March 24, 2003